Friday, April 20, 2012

Abdullai Kamara - Member, Steering Committee

Abdullai Kamara is a career Liberian journalist, who now works mainly in media development and trainig. As Chairman of the Center for Media Studies & Peace Building, he is key in determining and directing media studies and training for various themes across Liberia.
In this role, Abdullai has worked towards the setting up of different journalistic theme groups like the Human Rights Reporters Network, the Water & Sanitation Reporting Network and the Judiciary Reporters Network.
Abdullai is also the Liberia Coordinator of the Internet Governance Forum, which has a sizable number of journalists.
On the larger media scene, Abdullai holds membership on the multistakeholder Media Complaints Committee and the Liberia Media Law and Policy Reform Working Group, which has been pivotal in lobbying to ensure the adoption of key legislations and policies supportive of a liberal and democratic media environment in Liberia.